Our Catholic Church and newly renovated Parish Hall, located in Historic Mendocino, can provide your needs, from a small business conference to a wedding or renewal of your wedding vows. Gatherings from 10 to 150 people can be accommodated in the church and hall. The church may be reserved for a Catholic Wedding, Vows, Renewal or Baptism.
Upcoming Events
Our Pastor: Rev. Robert "Rob" Torczynski
Mass Schedule:
Weekdays: Daily Rosary at 8:30 AM
followed by Mass at 9 AM
Saturday Mass: 5:30 PM
Sunday Mass: 10 AM
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00-1:00 pm
Pastor: Father Robert "Rob" Torczynski
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
We rely on the generosity of parishioners and visitors to keep St. Anthony's in Mendocino open and available.
You may click the button below to donate using your Credit Card or PayPal account. Any donation is welcome!
Please help by mail or drop-off a check payable to your St. Anthony to this address:
St. Anthony's Catholic Church
P.O. Box 665
Mendocino, CA 95460
Father Rob would not be a priest today had he not been inspired by the lectures of Dennis Quinn and John Senior at the University of Kansas.
Father Rob wants to share these inspirational lectures with others.
The link below goes to the lectures of these scholars which have been preserved as audio lectures by Scott Randall Paine's website.
"Seven at Seven" is a new initiative launched by Father Rob on Monday July 12 on Zoom. Join us as we discuss a life in prayer and how to deepen not only our prayer life but also our union with God. If you send your email to Fr. Rob on Facebook Messenger you will be provided with the Zoom link this Monday evening.
An abortion survivor tells her story.
We are happy to accommodate you on your special day with a ceremony that is meaningful, spiritual and uniquely yours. Whether a baptism, wedding ceremony or renewal of your vows, your blessed event will be one that is personalized by you and your beloved with guidance provided by our Pastor, Reverend Robert Torczynski.
St. Anthony's Catholic Church and Parish Hall is conveniently located in Historic downtown Mendocino near hotels, bed and breakfasts, shopping and restaurants. This facility is available for Weddings and Wedding receptions, Baptisms, business conferences art shows, etc. Our modern Parish Hall, equipped for food preparation or to accommod
St. Anthony's Catholic Church and Parish Hall is conveniently located in Historic downtown Mendocino near hotels, bed and breakfasts, shopping and restaurants. This facility is available for Weddings and Wedding receptions, Baptisms, business conferences art shows, etc. Our modern Parish Hall, equipped for food preparation or to accommodate your caterer. Events from small business meetings to major presentations with audio/visual aids can be accommodated. Internet access is available upon request. We can configure the hall for just about any function you would desire.
St. Anthony’s Parish was established in Mendocino, California in 1852. Blessed Sacrament Church in Elk, California, was established in 1896 and later became a Mission of St. Anthony’s. Together both communities have committed themselves to grow spiritually through worship, prayer and continued renewal; thus forming a community of believe
St. Anthony’s Parish was established in Mendocino, California in 1852. Blessed Sacrament Church in Elk, California, was established in 1896 and later became a Mission of St. Anthony’s. Together both communities have committed themselves to grow spiritually through worship, prayer and continued renewal; thus forming a community of believers dedicated to generating a love of God through the acceptance and love of others.
For a detailed history, click here!
Please feel free to contact us with any of your needs. If you wish to seek information on our parish or on renting St. Anthony's Catholic Church and Parish Hall, please contact the Parish Administrator at the Parish Office. ReverendTorczynski can also be contacted directly. You can either phone us or send the contact form below.
Parish Office, Church & Hall Inquiries phone 707.937.2406 • fax 707.937.2406
Rectory & Pastor - Reverend Robert Torczynski phone 707.937.5808 • fax 707.937.2406
Santa Rosa Diocese phone 707.545.7610 • fax 707.542.9702
Blessed Sacrament Mission - Elk phone 707.877.3275
Parish Liaison Officer (St. Anthony's): Carol Ann Walton
Parish Office: Marietta Coyle
Parish Accountant: Susan Walsh
Parish Finance President: Mark Mertle
Parish Bulletin Editor: Kathleen Smith
Lector/Eucharistic Coordinator - Saturday Masses: Carol Ann Walton Lector/Eucharistic Coordinator - Sunday Masses: Marian Brannan
Garden Maintenance: Ann Owings
Music Director: Ed Welter
Mission Pastor: Fr. Arsenius Anachoreta
Mission Liaison Officer (Elk): Dorothy Cong
P.O. BOX 665
Many people have asked about where I come from so I thought I would give you a little bio of myself.
I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1964. My father grew up in Chicago and was fascinated by electronics in his youth and went to work in avionics for American Airlines. He worked first in New York at La Guardia and then in Tulsa since the principal maintenance base for American was located there. My mother is from the South and her family goes back to Revolutionary times. She met my dad while working at La Guardia and entered the Catholic Church five years after they were married. We lived in Tulsa on Route 66 on an acreage my father had bought. Our parish, seven miles away, was run by the Polish Capuchins, the same ethnicity as my father.
I went to parochial school and public school and then to Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa. After graduating, I went with friends to the University of Kansas. It was there that I discovered Professor John Senior and his Great Books Program. There was also a swell of Catholic activity and I greatly deepened Faith as a student there. He recommended that I spend time in a Benedictine Abbey and suggested Fontgombault in France. I spent nine months there and was proposed the Carthusian life. The Carthusian Order imitates the solitary life of the monks in the desert. I practiced this life for 28 years most of which were in France and then came out of the life mainly for health reasons dealing with sleep apnea, fatigue, stress and tension.
I spent a year teaching St John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Ca and then 18 months at Mission San Miguel in the Central Coast region. This last year I was the chaplain at the Newman Center at Sonoma State Univ. while residing and helping out at the cathedral of St Eugene.
I am happy to be with you all here as we walk together in our Faith coming closer to God as a community each day.
Peace be with you, Fr Rob
defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Join us for the Knights of Columbus world famous Pancake Breakfast at St. Anthony's Hall on
the second Sunday of each month.